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C Procédures de création de clés, de certificats, et de signatures

#! /bin/csh

# Step 1.  Create the Duke identity, as a trusted identity

javakey -cs Duke true

# Step 2.  Generate a keypair for Duke, and store the public key in a file named
# Duke_pub and the private key in a file named Duke_priv

javakey -gk Duke DSA 512 Duke_pub Duke_priv

# Step 3.  Generate an x509 certificate for Duke, and store it in the file
# named Duke.x509.   This output file name is given in the directive file
# named cert_directive_Duke. 

javakey -gc cert_directive_Duke 

# Step 4.   Create the archive. 

jar cf signedWriteFile.jar writeFile.class writeFile.html

# Step 5.   Sign the archive, using the parameters given in sign_directive_Duke.

javakey -gs sign_directive_Duke signedWriteFile.jar

# Step 6.   Move the signed archive to a file suffixed in .jar. 

mv signedWriteFile.jar.sig signedWriteFile.jar

# Step 7.   Show the contents of the signed archive. 

echo " "
echo "Contents of the archive are: "
jar tvf signedWriteFile.jar

# Step 8 .   Show the contents of the identity database. 

echo " "
echo "Contents of the identity database are: "
javakey -ld

Denis Arnaud